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Stories lea jonathan mali woodward

Published on July 28th, 2012 | by Ivan Widjaya


Location Independent Business Owners: Lea and Jonathan Woodward Story

If you are looking for a role model in location independent working and living, I strongly suggest you to follow Lea and Jonathan Woodward. While many others are location independent by living in locations offering cheaper costs of living and make ends meet often by doing odd jobs, Lea and Jonathan kicked off with a strong plan: Establishing businesses they can run anywhere.

But just like many, Lea and Jonathan jumped into the location independent bandwagon for the similar reasons as many: They were fed up working with other people and running an endless rat race, and in 2005 they decided to embark on an entrepreneurial career with a twist that makes all the differences: They are location independent.

Not really nomadic, they are definitely able to run their business online, wherever they are. They came up with the term “location independent” – a term that is becoming even more popular these days, thanks to the Internet, mobile technology and, partly, the lackluster economic situation pushing people to be more creative.

So, as they were at startup phase of their business ventures, they decide to live in a country offering lower costs of living to reduce the pressure of startup costs. Doing so allowing them to maintain the lifestyle they want.

Lea and Jonathan left the UK in 2007 and went to Panama, Thailand, South Africa, Grenada, Italy, Turkey, and many other places. With the born of Mali, parenthood seems to slow them a bit, but still – they traveled and lived in the UK, Thailand, Italy, Dubai, Turkey and Scotland. Wow!

Lessons learned

Well, the key in following their footsteps is “do. it. now” – too much thinking doesn’t get you anywhere. With that being said, you certainly need to start with the right mindset, a good plan and tools to support everything. Happy go lucky could work, but a plan can avoid you problems in the future.

Just like what Lea and Jonathan Woodward do, you need to establish a real business. A job – especially if it’s a remote one – is okay, but setting up a business allows you to leverage your time for better overall results that will impact your bottom line. But it’s all coming back to your “calling”, really. So, your next step is to answer this question: “What’s your calling?”

If you want to learn how Lea and Jonathan do it, I suggest you to visit their business website, (what a great domain name, by the way!) and join a community of location independent people on

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About the Author

A mobile entrepreneur who loves to work anytime, anywhere he wants. He runs several popular business blogs, make money online and live a geoarbitrage lifestyle. He typically works at home and travel with his family when he wants to, often without his business.

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