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Tips lonely at the top

Published on July 7th, 2012 | by Ivan Widjaya


The Lonely Life of a Location Independent Business Owner

It’s 2AM here at home – still awake and very reluctant to sleep. I pondered about things it struck me. I can do whatever, whenever I want because I have the options to do so.

This blog post is “work” for me – simply because my location independent business is actually consisting of blogs. Yes, run blogs as a business. My line of work allows me freedom. Of course, I want more freedom but come to think again, freedom is not always nice.

…and it struck me. I was feeling lonely! Sure, I have the privilege to work at home; heck, I can actually work anywhere I want! I have a loving family and I love being around with them – so, family-wise, I am far from lonely.

However, in my line of business, loneliness comes as an all-inclusive package. Maybe Tim Ferriss was right: You need to prepare what you are going to do when you have finally outsourced everything. Without preparation, it would be very depressing simply due to one and only fact: You are only one of only a few people who has choices to be whatever you want to be; doing whatever you want to do: Vagabonding, working at home, doing mini-retirements, etc.

I read Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek book several years ago, and at that time, I thought Tim was ridiculous. Why on earth we need to plan for the next steps when we’ve finally made it? It’s freedom, y’all!

Well, I thought wrong.

Again, Tim was right: I am sometimes getting so lonely while at work, simply because of – again – I am doing what many don’t. Maybe it’s because I’m working from a laptop and/or a tablet and the only work-related conversations I have are with my clients, partners, prospects and friends – online; no face-to-face interaction, no real connection with people. All are virtual. A bit sad, really…

Do I miss cubicles? Absolutely not! I have been in a cubicle for a “long” 11 months about 10 years ago and I vowed that I will never return to the life-deferred plan. But I do sometimes miss the “real human” interactions.

Maybe it’s time to travel the world… or simply go to expos and conventions to meet with like-minded people.

What do you think? Have you ever been in my situation? If so, how can you escape from your situation?

Image by By Nimish Gogri / Flickr

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About the Author

A mobile entrepreneur who loves to work anytime, anywhere he wants. He runs several popular business blogs, make money online and live a geoarbitrage lifestyle. He typically works at home and travel with his family when he wants to, often without his business.

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